HSA Select G04/05s advanced to the semis (topping Bracket A with wins over Oregon and Arizona) of the Far West Presidents Cup falling to Gillett Edge SC (Wyoming). This was the last game for most of these players, who are graduated, or are graduating soon, and off to new and big adventures. They should be proud of wrapping up their youth soccer careers earning a Washington State Presidents Cup championship (GU19) and advancing to the semis at regionals! Way to go out with a bang! The club is so proud of each of these players!
Hats off to HSA Select G07s who finished their run at the Presidents Cup FarWest Regionals in Boise. They went 1-1-1 in group play, facing teams from Oregon, Alaska and Idaho and finished 2nd in their bracket. The players overcame illness, injury and a small roster to play hard and give it their all.